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Fitness Motivation for Different Personality Types

June 01, 2022 14 min read

Fitness Motivation for Different Personality Types

Are you struggling to stay motivated when it comes to your fitness routine? Do you feel like you've been stuck in a rut for months or even years? If so, you're not alone. It can be difficult to maintain enthusiasm for working out, especially if you don't see results immediately. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to find an activity that you enjoy and makes you feel good. For some people, that might mean running, while others prefer lifting weights or taking a yoga class. It's important to find activities that you look forward to and makes you feel good both mentally and physically.

If you're struggling to find motivation, it might be helpful to think about your personality type. Different people are motivated by different things. For example, some people are motivated by competition, while others are motivated by the challenge of a new workout routine.

The Myers-Briggs personality test can be a helpful tool for understanding your motivation and how to find activities that you'll enjoy. If you're not familiar with the Myers-Briggs personality test, it works by breaking down six core personality traits — extraversion (E), introversion (I), sensing (S), intuition (N), thinking (T), feeling (F), judging (J) and perceiving (P) — to build a profile of the person in question, i.e. you. This could mean you are one of 16 potential personality type profiles. The Myers-Briggs test can offer insights into which workouts and fitness regimes tend to work well with each of the 16 personality types. In other words: help you build a health and fitness regime that will keep you as motivated as possible.


1. ENFJ / The Protagonist

The ENFJ personality type is known as the Protagonist or the Teacher. They are born leaders who are charismatic and passionate. Examples of people with the ENFJ personality type include Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela.

ENFJs have many positive traits, including being natural leaders, idealists, eloquent speakers, able to inspire others to action, good at reading people, understanding needs, having a strong sense of morality, being compassionate, and loyal. However, ENFJs also have some negative traits, such as being overly critical of themselves, people-pleasers, workaholics, control freaks, and bossy.

Despite these negative traits, when it comes to health and fitness there is one trait that helps put them ahead of the pack: a strong desire to achieve.

The ENFJ Fitness Personality:

When it comes to fitness, outgoing ENFJs are best suited for group classes that involve working together or have some component of teamwork. They can help motivate others in a group fitness setting and develop a sense of camaraderie with their fitness crew. ENFJs enjoy being active and feeling like they're part of a team, so group fitness classes are the perfect way for them to stay fit and have fun at the same time.

At the gym, group spin classes are going to be a solid option - as will any class that has a strong squad vibe with plenty of cheerleaders. At home, why not get yourself a Peloton or, if you're working from a home gym, find a workout partner that you can mentor. Head to head sports like tennis may also bring a lot of fulfilment.


2. ENFP / The Campaigner

ENFPs, often known as "The Campaigner", are typically described as enthusiastic and charming people who are always looking for an opportunity to have a good time. They are often recognised for their ability to see the potential in others and their ability to find humour in almost any situation. ENFPs are also known for being very compassionate and supportive people who are always eager to lend a helping hand. Famous people who fit the ENFP profile include actor Jim Carrey, comedian Ellen DeGeneres, and musician John Lennon.

Some positive traits of ENFPs include being adaptable, resourceful, spontaneous, and optimistic. They are also usually very good at multitasking and handling stress. Some negative traits of ENFPs include being easily distracted, overly emotional, and sometimes overly dramatic.

The ENFP Fitness Personality:

The easiest way to demotivate an ENFP is repetition. An ENFP will be bored to tears if they're not constantly switching up their activities and routines. So creating a plan that has a lot of variety is key to keeping motivation levels high.

Crossfit is an obvious option for an ENFP. Weight training routines need to be constantly switched up, and throwing in outdoor activities such as hiking, biking or running where every day can be a new trail or route will give a motivation boost.


3. ENTJ / The Commander

ENTJs are the pinnacle of focus and drive. They're known as The Commander for their natural-born leadership qualities and their clear vision. Once they have their mind set on something, you will not get them to budge (for better or worse). One famous example of an ENTJ is the former-World's richest man, Bill Gates.

Positive traits of ENTJs include their unmatchable leadership qualities and drive, their focus and passion for whatever they put their mind to, and their honest and direct approach. Negative traits of ENTJs can sometimes include their inflexibility, their inability to let go of control, and their lack of empathy towards others.

The ENTJ Fitness Personality:

ENTJs approach fitness like everything else in their life - it's about achieving an objective in the most efficient way possible. No wasted time, no unnecessary frills - every workout has to count. Challenging classes or routines that get the job done in the most efficient way possible are the way to go - although if you can squeeze some competition in there then that will be an added motivator for the Commander.

In addition to smashing PBs regularly, martial arts and boxing can be good choices for ENTJs, who are always up for a challenge.


4. ENTP / The Debater

Clever, quick-witted and a desire for everyone to know it, ENTPs are sometimes referred to as the Debater, because their love of a good, well, debate. Most of the time they might not even agree with what they're saying, they just do it for the sport.

ENTPs are ingenious problem-solvers, always on the lookout for new and better ways to do things. They are quick thinkers with a sharp wit, able to see both sides of every issue and come up with creative solutions that others may have missed. They are natural leaders, but their style is more persuasive than directive – they are more interested in convincing others to see their point of view than in telling them what to do. ENTPs are also charming and outgoing, able to make even the most reserved person feel at ease in their company.

In addition to their quick minds and sharp tongues, ENTPs have a great deal of energy and enthusiasm for life. They are always up for a challenge, and their boundless energy means they never seem to tire of exploring new ideas and concepts.

However, some negative traits of ENTPs can include being argumentative for the sake of it, being too quick to judge others, and failing to follow through on their ideas. ENTPs can also be seen as selfish and self-centered, more interested in their own mental stimulation than in the feelings or needs of others.

The ENTP Fitness Personality:

While competitive fitness activities may seem like the obvious choice for this sometimes cutthroat group, throwing them into a competitive activity will often see their overactive minds focus too much on that element and their workout will suffer as a result. Activities where they're striving to be better for themselves and no one else will likely yield the best exercise. Setting and beating PBs on EVERYTHING.

Running, power yoga, circuit training or HIIT with a trainer are all good options for ENTPs, as well as weight lifting regimes designed around beating PBs. Not only will they always be working to do better than they did the day before, they'll also get to give their mouth a rest.


5. ESFJ / The Caregiver

Of all the Myers-Briggs types the ESFJ is the social butterfly, preferring to spend all of their time around others. Also known as the Caregiver, this type enjoys nothing more than taking care of other people and making sure their needs are met.

ESFJs are some of the most compassionate people you will ever meet, always quick to offer a shoulder to cry on or a helping hand. They have a strong sense of duty and responsibility, and will always put the needs of others above their own.

ESFJs are also extremely social creatures, and love nothing more than being surrounded by people. They are natural leaders, and their outgoing personalities make them the life of any party.

However, some negative traits of ESFJs can include being too focused on others to the point of neglecting their own needs, being overly sentimental, and being resistant to change.

The ESFJ Fitness Personality:

ESFJs need social interaction to stay motivated, so group fitness activities are ideal. Crossfit, spin class, team sports – anything where they can be around other people and feel like they're part of a community. ESFJs also like to have a sense of purpose, so activities with a clear goal – such as running a marathon or training for a triathlon – are also good options. Anything that allows them to feel like they're helping other people while also getting a good workout will be a hit with this type.


6. ESFP / The Doer

The ESFP personality type is also known as the Doer. This is because people with this personality type are always looking for ways to take action and get things done. ESFPs are fun-loving and outgoing, and they enjoy nothing more than being surrounded by other people. They are natural entertainers, and their charisma and sense of humor make them the life of any party.

However, some negative traits of ESFPs can include being impulsive, being resistant to change, and failing to follow through on their commitments.

The ESFP Fitness Personality:

ESFPs need to be constantly moving and doing something, so any type of fitness activity that keeps them active is ideal. Running, hiking, biking, and team sports are all good options. anything that allows them to be around other people and stay active will be a hit with this type.


7. ESTJ / The Organiser

ESTJs are the backbone of society. They thrive on order and values, making them natural leaders and politicians. Their dedication to justice is unmatched, and they're always ready to play the role of mediator when needed. If you want something organised, ask an ESTJ - they're always up for the challenge.

ESTJs are outgoing and logical, making them great at networking and debate. They're also very detail-oriented, which comes in handy when they're working on a project. However, some of the negative traits of ESTJs can often include being inflexible, judgmental, and insensitive.

The ESTJ Fitness Personality:

ESTJs are organised and disciplined, which makes them great at sticking to a fitness routine. They're also competitive, so they often push themselves to be the best. However, ESTJs can sometimes be too hard on themselves, and they may need to learn to relax a bit if they want to maintain their fitness goals.

ESTJs need a workout that is well structured and planned in order to stick with it. They also need something that is challenging and competitive in order to motivate them. Some great workout options for ESTJs include running, weightlifting, and team sports.


8. ESTP / The Entrepreneur

ESTPs love to be the center of attention, and they're as charismatic as they come. ESTPs love social gatherings and usually talk to everyone within earshot. While they talk a big game, though, it's important to note that, at their core, ESTPs are doers — and they don't always think things through. This personality type prefers learning as they go.

ESTPs crave excitement, and they're always up for trying something new. They have no problem taking risks, which can lead to some impulsive decisions. On the plus side, ESTPs are spontaneous and fun-loving, which makes them great companions. However, their impulsiveness can also lead to some problems, such as financial instability.

The ESTP Fitness Personality:

ESTPs need a workout that is exciting and challenging, as they quickly get bored with routine. They also need something that is social, as they love to be around other people. Some great workout options for ESTPs include team sports, dance classes, and hiking.


9. INFJ / The Advocate

Ultra-moral INFJs spend a lot of their time dreaming — but they're also very capable of putting those plans into action, and more often than not, do. You'll find this personality type in top-level jobs that help people, like being a doctor or lawyer. They need to feel like their work has purpose to fully invest themselves.

INFJs are usually very private people, which can make them seem shy or aloof. However, once you get to know them, they're some of the most compassionate and caring people you'll ever meet. They're also very loyal friends, and they always stick to their word.

The INFJ Fitness Personality:

INFJs need a workout that is private and introspective, as they need time to themselves to process their thoughts and feelings. They also need something that is meaningful and purposeful, as they need to feel like their work is making a difference. Some great workout options for INFJs include Vinyasa yoga, walking, swimming or even ballet classes. Strength-training classes are also sure to be a winner. Activities that leave them feeling both physically and mentally light afterwards are a good fit, as well as workouts that contain a spiritual component.


10. INFP / The Mediator

If there's one person who can see the good in almost everyone and every situation, it's an INFP. People with this personality type are gentle, introspective souls who think deeply about everything. They're also creative and highly imaginative, which makes them great at writing, art, and music.

INFPs are usually very compassionate people, and they're always quick to comfort others. However, they can also be very sensitive, and they sometimes have a hard time dealing with conflict. INFPs need to learn to stand up for themselves if they want to maintain healthy relationships.

The INFP Fitness Personality:

INFPs need a workout that is gentle and introspective, as they need time to themselves to process their thoughts and feelings. They also need something that is creative and imaginative, as they need an outlet for their creativity. Some great workout options for INFPs include Vinyasa yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates. Walking or swimming are also great low-impact options that give INFPs time to themselves.


11. INTJ / The Architect

On the outside, INTJs may seem generally even-keeled and straightforward, but on the inside, there's a relentlessly intellectual world unfolding at all times. INTJs are one of the more ambitious Myers-Briggs types, and they prefer to spend their time working toward their goals, as opposed to things that they perceive to be frivolous.

INTJs are usually very independent people, and they're not afraid to go their own way. However, this independence can sometimes make them seem cold or aloof. Other negative traits often found in INTJs include impatience and a tendency to be overly critical.

The INTJ Fitness Personality:

INTJs need a workout that is challenging and stimulating, as they quickly get bored with routine. They also need something that is private and introspective, as they need time to themselves to process their thoughts and feelings. Some great workout options for INTJs include running, weightlifting, and HIIT classes. As with other introverted personality types, activities that leave them feeling both physically and mentally light afterwards are a good fit, as well as workouts that contain a spiritual component. For INTJs, long-term success is the name of the game, so the latest trends won't cut it - they want tried and tested results-drivers, and a solid plan with solid objectives. Health will always be a bigger motivator than looking good.


12. INTP / The Thinker


INTPs are one of the rarer Myers-Briggs types, which suits them well, as these intellectuals pride themselves on the unique set of skills they bring to the world. People with this personality type are analytical and logical, and they're always looking for ways to improve systems and solve problems - but what makes them different to a lot of other personality types is their ability to use creativity in equal measure to their analytical skills.

INTPs are usually very independent people, and they're not afraid to go their own way. However, this independence can sometimes make them seem cold or aloof. Other negative traits often found in INTPs include impatience and a tendency to be overly critical.

The INTP Fitness Personality:

INTPs know the benefits and they feel good when they workout, but it is never going to be their favourite thing to do. The enjoy the mental stimulation they get from it, but their motivation will stem from the destination, not the journey. Solo activities that can be done while listening to music or a podcast are the perfect exercise for INTPs.


13. ISFJ / The Defender

Sometimes referred to as the Defender, ISFJs live by the ethos of kindness before everything and make for the most generous and enthusiastic friends. People with this personality type are warm and compassionate, and they're always looking for ways to help others. In fact, ISFJs often put the needs of others before their own.

While ISFJs are usually very kind and giving people, they can also be extremely shy. They're often reluctant to put themselves out there, and they can be quite sensitive to criticism.

The ISFJ Fitness Personality:

ISFJs need a workout that is gentle and soothing, as they are easily overwhelmed by stress. They also need something that is social and supportive, as they feel their best when they are surrounded by people they know and trust. Some great workout options for ISFJs include walking, yoga, basic weights routines and pilates. As with other introverted personality types, activities that leave them feeling both physically and mentally light afterwards are a good fit, as well as workouts that contain a spiritual component. For ISFJs, the focus is on taking care of their bodies, so they need an exercise routine that is sustainable and manageable. But perhaps the biggest motivator for this personality type will be a friend or workout partner who they feel accountable to - they never want to let anyone down.


14. ISFP / The Artist

Few things are more important to ISFPs than being creative and staying true to themselves. People with this personality type are incredibly sensitive, and they're always looking for ways to express their creativity. ISFPs are usually very independent people, and they're not afraid to go their own way. However, this independence can sometimes make them seem cold or aloof. Other negative traits often found in ISFPs include impatience and a tendency to be overly critical.

The ISFP Fitness Personality:

ISFPs need an exercise routine that is creative and expressive. Anything that offers room for interpretation is a good fitness option as they don't like to feel like they're working from a rulebook or stuck inside a box. Also, despite their introverted nature, group workouts work well for this Myers-Briggs type, as they can both feed off the energy and draw inspiration. ISFPs are smart to always have a good playlist at the ready, as the right music can be a key motivator for these creative types.


15. ISTJ / The Logistician

With incredible dedication, attention to detail, and pride in the work they do, ISTJs execute almost everything they do with a methodical, military-like proficiency. People with this personality type are extremely reliable and dependable, and they're always looking for ways to improve efficiency. While ISTJs are usually very loyal and hardworking people, they can also be quite inflexible. They're often reluctant to change their routines, and they can be quite stubborn.

The ISTJ Fitness Personality:

ISTJs need a workout routine that is dependable and consistent. They like to have a plan to follow, and they're not fans of spontaneity. Also, because they're such perfectionists, ISTJs need an exercise program that is challenging and leaves them feeling a sense of accomplishment. A few great workout options for ISTJs include running, weightlifting, and CrossFit. These activities are all structured and goal-oriented, which is perfect for this personality type. The key for ISTJs is to find a balance between pushing themselves to improve and not overdoing it to the point of burnout. They need to learn to listen to their bodies and take breaks when they need them.


16. ISTP / The Virtuoso

ISTPs are generally level-headed and rational and are happy to share their knowledge and creativity with others — so long as their ideas aren't challenged. They're spontaneous people who are always looking for new thrills and experiences, and they're not afraid to take risks.

However, ISTPs can also be quite reckless and impulsive, and they're often unwilling to commit to anything. They can also be quite insensitive, and they're often unaware of how their words or actions might affect others.

The ISTP Fitness Personality:

ISTPs need a workout routine that is creative and stimulating. They like to mix things up and try new things, so a workout that is predictable and boring is not going to work for this personality type. They need an exercise program that is constantly changing and offers new challenges. CrossFit, rock climbing, and HIIT workouts are all great options for ISTPs. These activities are all high-intensity and require quick thinking, which is perfect for this personality type. The key for ISTPs is to find a balance between pushing themselves to try new things and not overdoing it to the point of burnout. They need to learn to listen to their bodies and take breaks when they need them.



So, no surprises that motivation is different for everyone, but if you take the time to understand your own personality type there is a wealth of advice out there that will help you to stay inspired when it comes to your health and fitness.


What's your personality type? Give it a go for free over here & tag us @factoryweightsuk on Instagram or @factoryweights on TikTok with your results!


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