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The workouts that do more harm than good

February 06, 2023 3 min read

The workouts that do more harm than good

As our knowledge of health and fitness improves, a few exercises that were once touted as the ultimate health and fitness tests are now considered bad for your body. 

These exercises are known to cause serious injury and have little positive effects on long-term physical health and fitness. 

It's time to say goodbye to some of those classic yet problematic moves and hello to a safer and more effective workout routine. So, what workouts should you drop immediately? Let's take a look at a few exercises that have been debunked by science and experts.



Crunches are still a staple in many people’s ab routines, but they can do more harm than good. This exercise puts strain on your neck and spine, leading to a heightened risk of injury over time.

Replace crunches with equally functional exercises like planks and Russian twists that work your abs and core without the risk of injuring your neck and spine.

Lat Pulldowns Behind the Neck 

Lateral pulldowns behind the neck may look impressive, but they’re a no-go for anyone who wants to protect their shoulders. The motion of pulling the lateral bar down behind your neck puts you at risk for rotator cuff injuries and impingements. Plus, these workouts can induce strain on your shoulder capsule.

Instead, try a seated row or pull-ups — they target the same muscle groups without putting unnecessary pull and tension on your shoulders. This alternative reduces your chances of injury and allows for more consistent workouts over time.

Upright Rows

Like lateral pulldowns behind the neck, upright rows are another exercise that puts strain on your shoulders. As you lift up, the motion stresses your rotator cuffs and can lead to subacromial impingement — especially if you haven’t warmed up properly. 

Lateral raises and even front raises target the same muscles and are excellent alternatives for upright rows.

Behind the Head Tricep Extension 

To round out the trio of exercises that can cause shoulder injury, keep an eye out for routines that have behind-the-head tricep extensions. 

This exercise also stresses your shoulder’s rotator cuff and can easily be replaced with tricep extensions using a rope or a tricep bar. Take care of your shoulders and avoid this exercise in your next regimen.

Smith Machine Squats 

The Smith Machine is a staple in gyms all over the world but should be avoided for weighted squats. The machine restricts your natural movement, which limits your output and is an injury waiting to happen. 

Using a barbell or bodyweight squat is a much safer option while still receiving the full benefits of this particular type of exercise.

Straight-Legged Deadlifts 

After a few reps of straight-legged deadlifts, you may feel a twinge of pain in your lower back. That’s because this exercise puts a lot of strain on your lumbar, which increases the chance of tearing your hamstring. 

Opt for Romanian deadlifts instead, which are safer and an effective alternative for working your posterior chain of muscles.

Factory Weights — Our Conclusion To Workouts That Do More Harm Than Good

Once you’ve read this blog post, be sure to reassess the workouts you regularly turn to. You might find that there are exercises that are hurting you more than they are helping, which signals the right time for a potentially life-saving change.

By making simple switches to the alternatives we recommend above, you'll be able to build a stronger, healthier, longer-lasting body that can withstand the rigours of everyday life. So, are you ready to ditch those crunches and lat pulldowns and get started on a safer and more effective workout routine today? Happy sweating!

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